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Fee Schedule

Below is a list of all fees administered by both the Town of Canterbury and its associated boards and municipal departments. Search for specific fees or departments using the ‘Search’ bar at the top right of the table.

DepartmentFee NameFee AmountPermit Validity
Planning BoardConceptual ConsultationNo Charge
Planning BoardDesign Review (must be a public hearing)$50.00
Planning BoardLot Line Merger$50.00
Planning BoardLot Line Adjustment Application Fee$100.00
Planning BoardLot Line Adjustment Abutter Notification Fee$11.00 per abutter
Planning BoardLot Line Adjustment Mapping/Recording Fee$50.00
Planning BoardLot Line Adjustment LCHIP Fee$25.00
Planning BoardLot Line Adjustment Commercial Subdivision Fee$1000 + $50 per lot
Planning BoardCluster Subdivision / Development Application Fee$500 + $50 per lot
Planning BoardCluster Subdivision / Development Abutter Notification Fee$11.00 per abutter
Planning BoardCluster Subdivision / Development LCHIP Fee$25.00
Planning BoardMinor Site Plan Application Fee$150 + $50 per lot
Planning BoardMinor Site Plan Abutter Notification Fee$11.00 per abutter
Planning BoardMajor Site Plan Application Fee$500 + $50 per lot
Planning BoardMajor Site Plan Abutter Notification Fee$11.00 per abutter
Planning BoardAttached Accessory Dwelling UnitNo Charge
Planning BoardDetached Accessory Dwelling Unit$25.00
Planning BoardWireless telecommunication equipment$500.00
Zoning Board of AdjustmentSpecial Exception Application Fee$200.00
Zoning Board of AdjustmentSpecial Exception Abutter Notification Fee$11.00 per abutter
Zoning Board of AdjustmentVariance Application Fee$200.00
Zoning Board of AdjustmentVariance Abutter Notification Fee$11.00 per abutter
Assessing79-D Barn Preservation App/Release$17.00
AssessingA-5 Land Use Change Tax Recording$25.00
AssessingA-10 Current Use Application$17.00
AssessingRestoration of previously merged lots$17.00
Historic District CommissionNew Construction$100.00
Historic District CommissionRenovation or addition$100.00
Historic District CommissionAccessory Building$70.00
Historic District CommissionRepair of an existing structure$35.00
Historic District CommissionDemolition of an existing structure$100.00
Historic District CommissionConstruction or removal of fences or stone walls$35.00
Historic District CommissionChange in natural features$35.00
Historic District CommissionSolar panels, rooftop or ground mount$35.00
Historic District CommissionWork in proximity to a known archaeological site an/or cemeteries$35.00
AdministrationBuilding Rental (Plus $100 Security Deposit)$75.00
AdministrationCopies - Printed$0.25 per side of page
AdministrationCopies - USB Flash Drive$5.00
LibraryCopies - Black and White$0.10 per page
LibraryCopies - Color$0.50 per page
LibraryFax Machine$1.00 per fax
LibraryLate feesNo Charge
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - New Construction up to 2000 square feet$400.00
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - New Construction over 2000 square feet$0.20 per square foot
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - Enlargement up to 1000 square feet$200.00
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - Enlargement over 1000 square feet$0.20 per square foot
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - Renovation$200.00
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - Plumbing - Minor$50.00
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - Plumbing - Major (over $10,000 project cost)$200.00
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - Electrical - Minor$50.00
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - Electrical - Major (over $10,000 project cost)$200.00
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - Gas and/or gas piping$35.00
BuildingIndustrial/Commercial - Generator - Electrical and Gas permits$70.00
BuildingResidential - Demolition$50.00
BuildingResidential - New Residence up to 2000 square feet$400.00
BuildingResidential - New Residence over 2000 square feet$0.20 per square foot
BuildingResidential - Enlargement up to 500 square feet$100.00
BuildingResidential - Enlargement over 500 square feet$0.20 per square foot
BuildingResidential - Garage or Barn$100.00
BuildingResidential - Alteration or restoration which includes plumbing and/or electric$100.00
BuildingResidential - Structural addition or change$50.00
BuildingResidential - Solar includes a fee for a separate electric permit$200.00
BuildingResidential - Plumbing/HVAC$35.00
BuildingResidential - Electrical$35.00
BuildingResidential - Generator - Electrical and Gas permits$70.00
BuildingResidential - Gas and/or gas piping$35.00
BuildingResidential - Deck$50.00
BuildingResidential - Swimming Pool$50.00
BuildingResidential - Accessory buildings over 144 square feet without footings$25.00
BuildingResidential - Special Use Permit (Tents for public use, etc.)$75.00
BuildingResidential - Re-inspection if work fails original inspection$20.00
Town ClerkDog Licensing - Unaltered dogs$9.00
Town ClerkDog Licensing - Neutered dogs$6.50
Town ClerkDog Licensing - Senior Citizens (65 years of age)$2.00
Town ClerkDog Licensing - Puppy (Up to 7 months)$6.50
Town ClerkDog Licensing - Group License (5 or more dogs)$20.00
Town ClerkDog Licensing - Commercial License$20.00
Town ClerkDog Licensing - Mail-in Fee$1.00 per dog
Town ClerkDog Licensing - Failure to license dog$25.00
Town ClerkVehicle Registration Agent Fee$3.00
Town ClerkBoat Registration Agent Fee$5.00
Town ClerkVital Records - Certified copy - first copy$15.00
Town ClerkVital Records - Certified copy - additional copies$10.00
Town ClerkMarriage License Fee$50.00
Town ClerkA-5 Land Use Change Tax Recording$25.00
Town ClerkCopy of Voter Registration Checklist$25.00
Town ClerkDredge and Fill Permit$10.00
Town ClerkReturned Check/Payment Fee$25.00
Town ClerkUCC Filing$8.00
Police DepartmentSpecial Detail (4 Hour Minimum)$75.00 per employee
Police DepartmentSpecial Detail (4 Hour Minimum)$15.00 per cruiser
Police DepartmentDog Complaint (1st Complaint)$25.00
Police DepartmentDog Complaint (2nd Complaint within 12 months)$50.00
Police DepartmentIncident/Accident Report$15.00 per report
Police DepartmentPicture$2.00 per picture
Police DepartmentDigital Photo CD$20.00 per CD
Police DepartmentUSB Thumb Drive$20.00 per USB
Police DepartmentFingerprints (Canterbury Residents Only)$10.00
Police DepartmentPistol Permit$10.00
Fire DepartmentResidential Oil Burner / Wood Stove inspection$40.00
Fire DepartmentSpecial Detail (Per Employee) (4 Hour Minimum)$75.00
Fire DepartmentSpecial Detail (4 Hour Minimum)$15.00 per apparatus
Fire DepartmentPermit - Assembly (Excluding Town Buildings)$75.00 One Year
Fire DepartmentPermit - Elder Care$35.00 One Year
Fire DepartmentPermit - Family Daycare Home - up to 6 children$35.00 One Year
Fire DepartmentPermit - Group Daycare Homes - 7-12 children$50.00 One Year
Fire DepartmentPermit - Daycare Centers - more than 12 children$65.00 One Year
Fire DepartmentPermit - Foster Home Inspection$35.00 One Year
Fire DepartmentPermit - Senior Living Home or Facility$35.00 One Year
Fire DepartmentResidential Fire Alarm System Installation$50.00 90 Days
Fire DepartmentCommercial Fire Alarm System Installation (under 25,000 square feet protected)$125.00 90 Days
Fire DepartmentCommercial Fire Alarm System Installation (over 25,000 square feet protected)$275.00 90 Days
Fire DepartmentResidential Gas/Oil Burner Installation$35.00 per burner90 Days
Fire DepartmentCommercial Gas/Oil Burner Installation$50.00 per burner90 Days
Fire DepartmentBuilding Plan Review- Under 5,000 square feet$25.00
Fire DepartmentBuilding Plan Review- 5,000 to 25,000 square feet$75.00
Fire DepartmentBuilding Plan Review - Over 25,000 square feet$100.00
Fire DepartmentUnderground Storage Tanks Installation (per tank)$75.00 90 Days
Fire DepartmentUnderground Storage Tanks Removal (per tank)$75.00 90 Days
Fire DepartmentInspection - One Rough InspectionNo Charge
Fire DepartmentInspection - One Final InspectionNo Charge
Fire DepartmentInspection - Re-inspection if work fails original inspection$75.00 (per permit / new construction)
Fire DepartmentInspection - Each Subsequent Inspection$125.00 (per permit / new construction)
Fire DepartmentIncident/Investigation Reports$15.00
Fire DepartmentPicture$2.00 per picture
Fire DepartmentUSB Thumb Drive$20.00 per USB
CemeteryFull Casket Grave at Maple Grove Cemetery$450.00
CemeteryCremation Grave at Maple Grove Cemetery$250.00
CemeteryCremation Grave at Shell Meetinghouse Cemetery$300.00
CemeterySexton Fee$150.00
Transfer StationRoll of Small Garbage Bags$10.00
Transfer StationRoll of Large Garbage Bags$20.00
Transfer StationRefrigerators/Freezers, Dehumidifiers$15.00
Transfer StationToilets and Porcelain Sinks$5.00
Transfer StationConstruction Debris$50.00 (per cubic yard)
Transfer StationAsphalt Shingles/Roofing$75.00 (per cubic yard)
Transfer StationFull-size pickup (5 x 8 foot 2.2 cubic yards) full to the top of the bed$120.00 (per load)
Transfer StationSmall clock radios and small kitchen appliances$2.00 each
Transfer StationTelevisions under 21 inch (size dependent)$10.00 to $20.00 each
Transfer StationTelevisions over 21 inch to 84 inch (size dependent)$20.00 to $50.00 each
Transfer StationLaptops, VCR, DVD, Game Console$2.00 each
Transfer StationSpeakers (size dependent)$1.00 to $5.00 each
Transfer StationMicrowaves$5.00 each
Transfer StationSofas with recliners or sleeper beds$20.00 each
Transfer StationSofas without recliners or sleeper beds$10.00 each
Transfer StationRecliner Chairs$10.00 each
Transfer StationRegular Chairs$5.00 each
Transfer StationRugs and Carpet (size dependent)$5.00 to $20.00 each
Transfer StationMattresses, Box springs (King)$20.00 each
Transfer StationMattresses, Box springs (Queen)$10.00 each
Transfer StationMattresses, Box springs (Twin and Full)$5.00 each
Transfer StationAny wooden Dresser and or Furniture$5.00 each
Transfer StationTires - No rims allowed$5.00 each
Transfer StationWaste Oil - Uncontaminated with water, antifreeze, etc.No Charge
Transfer StationAntifreeze$0.50 (per gallon)
Transfer StationMercury Thermostats - Whole and Intact OnlyNo Charge
Transfer StationFlorescent Light Tubes$0.25 (per foot)
Transfer StationCompact Flourescent Bulbs$0.25 each
Transfer StationBroken CFL's and circular Flourescents$1.00 to $5.00 each
Transfer StationPropane Tanks 1 to 20 lbs$2.00 each
Transfer StationPropane Tanks 30 to 100 lbs$10.00 each

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