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Library Trustees

The Library Trustees are elected at the annual Town Meeting and have 2 or 3 year terms.

You can find more information at the Elkins Public Library Website.

How Should You Contact Us?

You can email Library Director Rachel Baker at mrsbaker@elkinspubliclibrary.org.

Want To Join?

Library Trustees are elected and have a term duration of 2 or 3 years.

Click here to learn about running for office!

TrusteesPositionTerm LengthTerm Expiration
Ray CraigieChair3 years2025
Deborah SnowTrustee2 years2026
Florence WoodsTrustee2 years2026
Linda RiendeauTrustee2 years2025
Rick CrockfordTrustee2 years2026
Rick ZellerTrustee3 years2025
Sarah MelaseccaTrustee2 years2025
Ron RouthierAlternateIndefinite

Meeting Calendar

There are no upcoming meetings scheduled at this time.

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Minutes and Agendas

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