The Canterbury Community Power Committee (CCPC) mission is to reduce fossil fuel consumption in Town while enhancing the reliability and resiliency of electricity delivery; to create savings for Canterbury residents while adding new revenue for use in energy projects; and to improve the attractiveness of the Town to new residents and local businesses by establishing it as an energy-conscious place to live and work.
CCPC will work to achieve its mission by pursuing the following objectives:
- Provide electricity to Canterbury consumers at lower rates than those offered for default energy service by our current utilities (Unitil, Eversource and New Hampshire Electric Co-op.)
- Offer electricity consumers in Canterbury choices for their power supplier including those that source a higher percentage of renewable energy than that mandated by current New Hampshire law.
- Maintain membership with the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH) or a similar regional non-profit aggregate electricity buying organization, in order to purchase electric power at the lowest rates.
- Seek out new funding opportunities as they become available for purchase and installation of renewable energy projects in Canterbury.
- Consider establishing an electricity generation trust fund available to municipal, business and residential electricity users to purchase state-of-the-art technology for local electricity generation and storage.
- Establish the Town of Canterbury as an energy-conscious community through continuing its focus on local energy efficiency, resilience and independence at all levels by:
- Advocating the reduction of fossil fuel use in residences, businesses and municipal buildings; and working toward energy independence for the Town within an agreed-to time frame.
- Exploring the development of micro-grids, battery storage systems, power purchase agreements, virtual power plants and other emerging energy technologies.
- Recommending that the Town adopt a Solar Ordinance that encourages responsible solar development and sets appropriate and consistent guidelines at residential and commercial scales.
- Fostering favorable tax policies toward residents and businesses that invest in renewable energy generation
When Do We Meet?
Meetings are held regularly on the 2nd Wednesday of each month beginning at 7:00 pm or as posted and are held in the Municipal Complex.
How Should You Contact Us?
Anyone wishing to meet with the CCPC should contact Committee Secretary Michelle Hammond by calling 603-848-2059 or by e-mailing ccpc@canterburynh.gov.
Want To Join?
CCPC members are appointed by the Selectboard and have a term duration of 3 years.
Click here to to learn about volunteering!
- CCPC Customer Website
- Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire
- Electric Aggregation Plan
- Electric Aggregation Plan Presentation
- Community Power FAQs
Committee Members | Position | Term Expiration |
Tom Franco | Chair | 2026 |
Beth McGuinn | Member | 2026 |
Cheryl Franco | Member | 2026 |
John Schneider | Member | 2025 |
Fred Portnoy | Member | 2027 |
Tim Meeh | Member | 2026 |
Kent Ruesswick | Selectboard Representative |
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