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Trustees of the Trust Funds

The Trustees of the Trust Funds are three elected officials charged with holding, investing, and protecting certain Town funds of two types. The Trustees’ duties are defined by state statute. Their investment policy can be found here.

First are nonexpendable funds. These are funds that have been donated to the Town for specific purposes, and only the income from investing them may be expended. Requests for expenditures may come from the Selectboard, Town committees, or interested citizens. Examples of these funds are one for the Canterbury Elementary School, several funds for the Elkins Library, and funds to support the indigent.

The other type of funds are expendable funds. These are set aside by the Town Meeting for future spending. They act as savings accounts for expensive items such as fire engines, road graders, police vehicles, etc. The principal invested and the income can be expended.

The 2023 Annual Report listing all funds with their balances may be found here.

When Do We Meet?

Meetings are held quarterly at 5:30 pm in the Meeting House. In 2025, the Trustees are meeting on January 16, April 30, July 23, and October 22.

How Should You Contact Us?

Email us at trusteesofthetrustfunds@canterburynh.gov

Want To Join?

Trustees of the Trust Funds are elected at Town Meeting and have a term duration of 3 years.

Click here to learn about running for office!


TrusteesPositionTerm Expiration
Greg HeathChair2026
Tiffany BrownTrustee2025
Silvia StylesTrustee2027

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