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Zoning Board of Adjustment

The Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) is a quasi-judicial body, which is tasked by State law with the responsibility of interpreting the provisions of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance and deciding whether relief from provisions of the Ordinance is warranted on individual circumstances. In carrying out this role, the Board must carefully balance the constitutional property rights of citizens with the need of the Town as a whole to provide order in land use regulation.

When Do We Meet?

Meetings are scheduled on the 4th Wednesday of the month, but are only held as required based on requests for hearings.

In order to have enough time to process your application and notice the hearing, applications must be submitted at least 21 days before the meeting. See the upcoming meetings and application deadlines here.

How Should You Contact Us?

Email or call our staff!

They can help you with any questions and can accept applications.

Staff MemberPositionPhoneEmail
Lisa CarlsonSecretaryzoningboard@canterburynh.gov
Jan StoutLand Use Administrator603-783-9955 ext. 10landuseadministrator@canterburynh.gov

Want To Join?

Zoning Board of Adjustment members are appointed by the Selectboard and have a term duration of 3 years.

Click here to to learn about volunteering!


Board MembersPositionTerm Expiration
Jim WieckChair2025
F. Webster StoutVice-Chair2027
Calvin ToddMember2027
Christopher EvansMember2026
Sean O’BrienMember2027
Lisa CarlsonAlternate & Secretary2027
Brendan O’DonnellAlternate2027
Scott HerrickAlternate2027

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Meeting Calendar

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Minutes and Agendas

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