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Board of Selectmen

The Board of Selectmen (so named because members are selected on Town Meeting day) performs the Town’s executive functions for the rest of the year. The three members implement Town Meeting decisions, appoint members of Town boards and commissions to help them in their work, hire Town personnel, and serve as administrative head of all Town departments.

The Board of Selectmen encourage participation in your Town government by attending meetings, by contacting your local officials to voice your views, and by getting involved in the Town through volunteer work or by running for office.

When Do We Meet?

Meetings are held regularly on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month beginning at 5:00 pm or as posted and are held in the Meeting House.

How Should You Contact Us?

Anyone wishing to meet with the Board of Selectmen should contact Kal McKay in the Selectmen’s Office by calling 603-783-9955 ext. 3 or by e-mailing selectmen@canterburynh.gov. Appointments should be made two weeks in advance of the meeting you wish to attend.

Want To Join?

Selectboard members are elected and have a term duration of 3 years.

Click here to learn about running for office!


Board MembersPositionTerm Expiration
Scott DohertyChair2026
Kent RuesswickMember2025
Beth BlairMember2027

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Meeting Calendar

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Minutes and Agendas

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