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For Emergencies Dial 911

Mission Statement

We, the Canterbury Police Department, are committed to work in partnership with our community, to safeguard life and property while ensuring the rights of all people, and thereby enhancing the quality of life for our citizens.

Organizational Values

  • Fairness: Remain dedicated to the department mission and to one another in their personal and professional pursuits. We will consistently treat everyone with dignity, compassion and respect without prejudice. We will also respect individual rights through impartial law enforcement.
  • Integrity: We will strive to uphold public trust through honesty, competence and consistency in our beliefs and actions. We will also be held to the highest standards of professionalism through moral and ethical conduct.
  • Loyalty: Department members shall remain dedicated to the department mission and to one another in their personal and professional pursuits.


Staff ContactsTitlePhoneEmail
Justin CrottyPolice Chief603-783-0433jcrotty@canterburynh.gov
Deanna SepessyAdministrative Assistant603-783-0433canterburypolice@canterburynh.gov
Kristopher DupuisLieutenantkdupuis@canterburynh.gov
Michael DumasOfficermdumas@canterburynh.gov
Vincent KirathiOfficervkirathi@canterburynh.gov
Jordan WestgateOfficerjwestgate@canterburynh.gov

Contact Info

Hours of Operation:
Mon. – Thu. 8:30 am – 4 pm

Non-Emergency Phone:

Dispatch Phone:




26 Baptist Road
Canterbury, NH 03224

See map: Google Maps

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