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Transfer Station

In Canterbury, we don’t have trash pickup. To dispose of your refuse and recycle, you need to bring your items to the Transfer Station located at 83 Baptist Road.

Please use the green trash bags. These can be purchased at the Transfer Station or Town Office. Bags are $10 a roll for small bags and $20 a roll for large.

When you arrive, drive around to the building and our staff will help you figure out where each type of material goes. Please be patient as lines can form on busy days.

Pre-sorting your trash at home makes everything move faster when you arrive. Refer to How do I sort my trash? to learn more.

Hours of Operation:

  • Tuesday: 4 pm – 6:45 pm
  • Wednesday: 4 pm – 6:45 pm
  • Saturday: 8 am – 5:45 pm


Staff ContactsTitleEmail
David BowlesTransfer Station Managertransferstation@canterburynh.gov
Andres RomeroTransfer Station Attendant

Contact Info



83 Baptist Road
Canterbury, NH 03224

See map: Google Maps

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