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Elkins Public Library

Elkins Public Library provides materials and informational services to all community residents to fulfill their educational and recreational needs. Special emphasis is placed on being an educational support center and in stimulating young children’s interest in reading and learning. Fiction, non-fiction and popular materials will be the mainstay, but inter-library cooperation and membership in the State Library Nhu-pac system will meet further informational interests. Elkins Library serves as a center for the intellectual growth of the community.

Elkins Public Library is located at 9 Center Road.


Fee Schedule

  • Fee for copies is 10 cents/copy
  • Fee for computer prints is 10 cents/print
  • Fee for fax machine is $1/fax
  • Fines: Contributions to our conscience box are encouraged!

Internet Access

Internet access will be provided from the World Wide Web (WWW). Access is not provided to E-mail, chat rooms, user groups or bulletin boards.

Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information. Users need to be good information consumers, questioning the validity of information presented to them.

Users should understand that the Internet provides a wealth of information from thousands of computers world wide. Some of the information may be offensive to individual tastes. It is the responsibility of the user (parent of guardian in the case of users under 18) to select appropriate information. Individuals who do not comply with this provision will have their computer privileges revoked.

Users will be personally responsible for any materials ordered via the internet. They will need to pay for these items on-line with a credit card. The Library will not be responsible for these costs.

Library staff cannot control the availability of communication links or services of the Internet Access Provider, which may change rapidly and unpredictably.

Only Library provided CD-ROMS may be used in the Library computers. CD-ROMS are kept at the circulation desk and may be changed only by the Library staff. Patrons may choose a CD-ROM from the posted list and request it from the circulation desk.

Staff ContactsTitlePhoneEmail
Rachel BakerLibrary Director603-783-4386mrsbaker@elkinspubliclibrary.org
Roseanne HoweCirculation Manager
Adult Collection Librarian
do we need this col???
Cheryl IngersonYouth Services Librarian??
MaryAnn WinogradCirculation Librarian??
Mary Ellen MacCoyCirculation Librarian??

Contact Info

Hours of Operation:
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Tuesday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Thursday: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.




Facebook: @ElkinsPublicLibraryNH

Instagram: @elkins.public.library.nh


9 Center Rd.
PO Box 500
Canterbury, NH 03224 United States

See map: Google Maps

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