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This is where we will have some shmaltzy stuff about the town.

include: we want volunteers, resources list, local biz list, newsletter, email sign up,

seems like there might be a lot of overlap with welcome to canterbury. maybe title is Community and that includes the about canterbury, moving to, and visiting?

Edit: Based on discussion with Beth. This page should have practical information, for fun stuff direct them to the newsletter website. Maybe call this page How to Canterbury? Remove the local biz stuff and direct to newsletter. Can take other current “community links” page and move to more appropriate sections (i.e. fire permit to fd page, health stuff to health/welfare page)

This is the text on the current website:


The Town of Canterbury is in Merrimack County in the central part of New Hampshire bordering the State Capitol of Concord.

Our population as of the census in 2016 was 2,408. Canterbury is primarily rural and residential with an active agricultural and farming community. We also have a small commercial area with direct access to Interstate 93.

Our location in the state provides easy access to the White Mountains, Lakes Region, the Atlantic Ocean and Beaches and the major urban areas of Manchester, NH and Boston Ma.

There are multiple four season recreational opportunities in Canterbury. The Merrimack River forms our western border with the Town of Boscawen. There are several access points to the river in town that provide canoe and kayak launching, swimming and fishing to area residents and visitors. There are hiking trails and conservation areas that are open to the public. In the winter months the NH Snow-Shakers snowmobile club operates a clubhouse and a large network of trails for snowmobile enthusiasts and cross country skiers.

Local attractions include: Shaker Village, NH Motor Speedway, Hackleboro Orchard and Brookford Farms and Canterbury Woods Golf Course. Links to their websites can be found in the “Community” section of this site.

There are many active community organizations in Canterbury. Canterbury Historical Society, Canterbury Troop 296 BSA, Friends of the Elkins Public Library, Canterbury Cloverbuds 4H, a local seasonal Farmers Market, an active community newsletter and the Canterbury Fair-“Always the last Saturday in July” are just a few.

A history and complete demographics of Canterbury can be found in the Demographics section of this site.



Have you just moved into Canterbury?  Here are some things you should do once you are settled:

Get to the Town Office: You click here Town Clerk’s office to email the office. You can visit the office to register to vote, change motor vehicle registration information and license your dog. Their hours are Monday from 9 AM to 3 PM. Tuesday from 3 PM to 7 PM. Thursday from 12 AM to 7 PM. The Town Clerk’s Office is located at the Sam Lake House on Hackleboro Road, just off the Town center. Their phone number is 783-0153.  

Our residents have voted to make Recycling MANDATORY in Canterbury. Paper products, some plastics, aluminum and glass are recycled for free, while a small fee is charged for other products such as electronics and construction waste. For a complete fee schedule check the transfer station and recycling section of the website. Effective October 4, 2006 the Town has implemented a pay as you throw program. Bags are on sale at the Transfer Station, Town Office and Shaws on Ft. Eddy Rd. You can purchase a ten pack of 30 gallon size bags for $20.00/pack or get a ten pack of the 15 gallon size bags for $10.00/pack. Proceeds from the sa le of these bags will go to offset the cost of operating the Town transfer station.

Get Involved: Volunteers are always needed for various projects around Town. Boards and Committees almost always need new members. If you see something of interest to you, please contact a member of the Board or Committee or the Town office at 783-9955 and we can get you in touch with a contact person.


We will be adding more information to this page. If you have any ideas on information you would like to see please “send your comments” to us.

There is lots to see and do in Canterbury. Every season provides plenty of opportunity to enjoy nature’s beauty, whether it is hiking, riding your bike or even your horse in the spring, summer and fall or cross country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter months. Opportunities for hunting and fishing abound during the year.

Canterbury is home to many historical sites as well as many artisans and craftsmen. We hope to add a business directory to the site listing them all so you can locate and visit them.
In the historic Town center you will find the Town Hall, Meeting House, the Elkins Library, Historical Society archives, Post Office and the Town Offices all within a short walk of one another. You can also relax in the gazebo and take in the view.

But most of all, you can enjoy Canterbury’s greatest treasure, the many fine folks who live in our wonderful Town! Enjoy.

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